How to upload your data to the decentralized web with OtterPocket

3 min readJul 19, 2021

OtterPocket is a blockchain powered decentralized application built on the Polygon Network that uses the power of IPFS. With OtterPocket you are able to host your websites, backup your videos and files with the security of the blockchain. The data is yours, you control it.

1) Install MetaMask and connect to the Polygon Network

MetaMask can be found on the chrome extension store

Because OtterPocket is a decentralized application, you need a way to connect to the blockchain. A good way to do that currently is with the Metamask web3 wallet extension on chrome or the MetaMask app on android/iphone. Brave browser also comes with a built in web3 wallet.

Once you have MetaMask installed, connect it to the Polygon Blockchain.
Follow our guide on how to add Polygon to MetaMask:

2) Connect to OtterPocket

Simply visit and MetaMask will prompt you to connect to the site. If you are successfully connected with the Polygon Network you should see this:

3) Upload a file!

Simply click the blue “Upload” button and then drop or search for your file that you want to store on the decentralized web.
Once you have your file you ready to upload click the green upload button:

OtterPocket is powered by the Otter Token! To upload it costs a small amount of Otter (80% of which is burned FOREVER!). Approve OtterPocket to spend the Otter Fee. (Until Otter Launches on July 23 OtterPocket requires no Otter!)

Need Otter? Buy on Quickswap starting July 23rd 20:00 UTC!

You will need Matic for the transaction fee. If you don’t have a tiny bit of Matic, you can get some for free! Click on the Need Matic? Button on the left side panel.

Once it has been approved, your file will start uploading to the IPFS P2P network. Upload time will vary depending on the size of your file.

Once it is uploaded to IPFS MetaMask will prompt you to store your data on the blockchain.

Once the transaction is confirmed on the blockchain, the page will reload and your file will be in your Pocket! 🥳🥳🥳

Stay Up to date with the launch of the OTTER Token and the progress of the first personal decentralized file storage application!




OtterPocket is the first decentralized file storage dApp on The Polygon Network. Using the power of IPFS